Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Celebrations at the Sanga Home

While the weekend before Christmas was spent with Henry relatives, Christmas Eve was with the Sanga's. Here are a few pictures from that day:

Cousin baby Ethan walks now 
We wrapped one of Lewis' treats in wrapping paper and he smelled it out. This is him climbing presents to try to reach his wrapped treat at the top of the stack.
My family :) 
Merry Christmas from the Henrys

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Annual Henry Christmas Party

This year, the Annual Henry Christmas Party took place in Uncle Jim's house.
Carson City, NV
The Henry Christmas Party consists of lots of Settler's of Catan, lots of food, and lots of laughter. Most Henrys also bring their pet dogs so even the dogs hang out with other Henry dogs.

Russell and I with three of the dogs: Kona, Bailey, and Zuri
It was 18 people in Uncle Jim's house. It was joyous and loud and all the proper ways a family Christmas should be. On Saturday, we ate lots of food and played white elephant. Russ and I managed to strategically steal the painting his dad did of the ocean view in Mexico. Woo! On Sunday morning, I woke up in the middle of a nerf gun war held by the kids. The weekend was too short and went by too fast.

Meet Wyatt, Jett, and Ky -- masters of nerf gun wars
Strategic game of white elephant
And of course, the big family meal. Excuse my I'm-so-stuffed face.
Another thing I love about the Annual Christmas Party is the view and the snow in wintertime! Here are some images captured on my Nikon:
View of Carson City from Uncle Jim's house

Jett and his slinky
Snow :) 

Road tripping with two Henry brothers
The Henrys :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

People don’t like love, they like that flittery flirty feeling. They don’t love love - love is sacrificial, love is ferocious, it’s not emotive. Our culture doesn’t love love, it loves the idea of love. It wants the emotion without paying anything for it. It’s ridiculous.

--Matt Chandler

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December Happenings

December has been coming at Russ and I at full speed. We haven’t recovered from Thanksgiving yet and all of a sudden Christmas is around the corner. December is a full, tiring, yet joyful month. I’m excited for a lot of the December happenings we have planned.

At the start of this month, we were able to go to a Chargers football game. We went with a few friends and it was a great first-time experience. In mid-December, Russell and I get to double date with my brother and his girlfriend to watch Lion King in LA. Then the weekend before Christmas, Russell, me and Lewis, will drive up to Reno for the Annual Henry Christmas Party (So. Excited). Then it's back to Orange County for Christmas Eve and Christmas with my family. Then, on the 26th, we're flying to Jordan to see Jonathan and his future bride-to-be. I mean, how exciting is this month?! Just writing all of that down has gotten me pretty pumped up.

We're tired but in all the good ways. We'll be hitting off the New Year's in Amman, Jordan and I can't think of a better place. Celebrating 2014 with an engaged couple while saying goodbye to 2013, the year where several new beginnings began. It fits perfectly. One chapter ending while new stories are being born.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Baking and Blogging

Is this suppose to be fun, Russell??
Russ is still working on his work project so I've been finding ways to try to distract him and/or keep myself busy. Needless to say, I've been baking a lot.

Earl Grey Cookies
Blueberry Muffins
Our apartment gets so cold. Having the oven on helps which is why I start baking once I get home from work. At least the place smells good...and it's warm :)